dalam sikap tidak tulus hati bahasa Inggris
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound;
- sikap: attitude; bearing; bearings; demeanor; manner;
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- tidak tulus: disingenuous; insincere; affected; cheesy;
- tulus: devout; ingenuous; openhearted; sincere;
- tulus hati: above board; sincere; whiteness; impartiality;
- hati: heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum;
- tulus hati: above board; sincere; whiteness; impartiality; candor
- tidak tulus: disingenuous; insincere; affected; cheesy; unworthy; uncandid
- mengabaikan sikap hati-hati: threw caution to the wind; throw caution to the wind; throwing caution to the wind; thrown caution to the wind
- dengan tidak tulus: insincerely
- secara tidak tulus: insincerely
- dengan tidak hati-hati: with one's eyes shut; heedlessly
- tidak hati-hati: unwary
- sikap berhati-hati atas uang: cheeseparing; stingy; close-fisted